From the Staff of Thamesford Accounting,

We continue to monitor information being released from Health Canada as well as Canada Revenue Agency with respect to COVID-19 and its impact on the preparation of 2019 Income tax returns.

As of the date of this message, there has been no extension of the April 30 or June 15 filing deadlines.  As always, we will continue to work diligently to ensure this deadline is met for our clients.  However, we take the health and well-being of our employees and clients very seriously and believe we must do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and help those who are most vulnerable.

With the recent increase in cases reported in Ontario, we have decided that effective today, Tuesday, March 17 we will be limiting contact between our staff and our clients.
At this time, our offices will be closed to the public until further notice.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

We will continue to maintain our level of commitment to providing our clients with quality service during this time. We are happy to assist you over the phone and through email.  You can drop your tax package at the office into the provided tote, which will be monitored throughout the day.  Please ensure your name and contact info is available so we can follow up to perform our typical tax questionnaire/checklist.

You can also upload your tax information securely by following the link below.

Please share this email/link with family members who we may not be able to reach directly.

Clients whose tax returns are completed will receive a phone call with options/instructions for gathering the required signatures.

COVID-19 is presenting new uncertainties each day, and we will inform you of any changes which will affect the preparation of your returns, including deadline extension and service disruptions.  We look forward to seeing everyone when can open our doors to you once again!

Take care of yourselves and others,